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General Info:
This TeamSpeak server is for use by members of AusReign's gaming community. To have your TeamSpeak rank changed to 'member', please join the AusReign Steam group here.
Personal TeamSpeak lounges are offered to members who have played over 50 hours on AusReign servers.
1. Priority for use of our TeamSpeak will be given to those who are members of the AusReign Steam group, and those who are playing on AusReign game servers.
2. To have your TeamSpeak rank set to 'member', please join the AusReign Steam group here.
3. Those who don't fit into either of these categories may use the TeamSpeak if they are with an AusReign member, and only while there are sufficient slots available to accommodate them.
4. Treat each other respectfully at all times. Abusive or discriminatory language or behaviour will result in a permanent ban.
5. To ensure interaction remains amicable and comfortable for all, avoid the use of language commonly used to express hatred/disrespect for others, even if you're 'only joking'. It is NOT the responsibility of others to be less sensitive about it, it's your responsibility to be more considerate.
6. Should you wish to make a complaint about another user, please see a staff member, or right-click on the name of the user and select the relevant option to register your complaint. You may also use the contact form on the website instead. A staff member will then discuss the issue with you as soon as possible.
7. Do not change your name to impersonate staff members or other users.
8. Do not spam or harass other users with repeated pokes or channel switching.
9. No inappropriate nicknames, channel names, channel descriptions, or avatars.
10. Staff reserve the right to determine an appropriate response to any of the above.
O (orange)
A (orange)
B (orange)
M (orange)
C (purple)
V (purple)
S (purple)
E (red)
B (red)
S (green)
M (green)
T (green)
Poo (brown)
- Owner
- Admin
- Badmin
- Moderator
- Coder
- Video Editor
- Source Engine Specialist
- Events Coordinator
- Builder
- Senior Member
- Member
- Trial Member
- Naughty!
D (pearl)
D (serendibite)
D (bixbite)
D (painite)
D (diamond)
D (tanzanite)
D (hackmanite)
D (emerald)
D (ruby)
D (sapphire)
D (amethyst)
D (platinum)
D (gold)
D (silver)
D (bronze)
D (paper)
Gold Trophy
Rainbow Star
- $3000+
- $2500 to $2999
- $2000 to $2499
- $1500 to $1999
- $1000 to $1499
- $750 to $999
- $500 to $749
- $400 to $499
- $300 to $399
- $200 to $299
- $100 to $199
- $75 to $99
- $50 to $74
- $25 to $49
- $2 to $24
- under $2
- Monthly Top Donator
- Overall Top Donator
All donators receive a custom icon of their choice for their member lounge. Member lounges are optional.
Sincere thanks to all those who have donated.
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